Friday, March 09, 2007

There are no words...

Today I lost one of my closest friends. We studied together in law school and worked together on life. He was my study partner for the bar and we took our oaths side by side. We were so happy to be next to each other the day we were sworn in. We hugged and cried and told each other how much it meant to be together on the first day of our professional life. We planned on opening a practice together. He was a part of my family, Momkey loved him to pieces, he was a precious and beautiful part of my life.

He died sometime last night. I can't believe he's gone.

I love you Nick.


Tessa said...

I love you. And I'm sorry. And I'm sad too. He was one of the nicest, truly nicest, people I knew.

Woman with a Hatchet said...

I'm so sorry Misty.

Luke said...

I wish I could hug across the internet. I am so sorry Misty. He was one of those people with that friendly, inviting, accepting, instantly disarming personalities we so lack in this world. Truly a painful loss.

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