Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I don't want anyone else...

My husband has been feeling sad lately, as he has his own blanket of grief that falls over him from time to time. I am doing my best to let him grieve in his own way, while still letting him know I am here, I love him, and he is not alone.

So, with that in mind:

Honey, I know you haven't seen Juno, and I know a song from a movie about a pregnant teenager may seem an odd dedication, but I really can't see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you. (This sentence will make more sense in a minute and fifty-nine seconds. Trust me.)

So here it is.

I love you.


Danielle said... sweet. That song is awesome! I just saw Juno this weekend.

MarĂ­a said...

I guess I need to watch the movie now!

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